Слёзы, страх и паника. Как пережить всё, что сейчас происходит в Украине и России / А. Колмановский
Помогает при бессоннице, вызванной постоянным нервным напряжением.
С детьми можно играть в разное дыхание
Trauma creates a large number of symptoms ranging from fatigue and body aches, to significant dissociations, flashbacks and extreme episodes of panic, anger or fear.
Dealing with flashbacks:
Having a visual and auditory guide to change the pattern of our breathing is a powerful way to take the body out of the state of panic. These short exercises can be practices many times a day together with friends and family members:
Square breathing:
4-7-8 breathing:
In the time of extreme emotions and stress it is helpful to “reboot your brain” and allow it to notice things here and now. Shifting attention between 5 senses - what you see, touch, hear, smell and taste is a powerful way to allow your brain to “take a break” and give you more control:
In the time of extreme stress it is easy to ignore our body’s signals, even those signals that are necessary for survival, such as hunger and fatigue. We might not notice tensions or pain. To help your body to hold you strong in the hardest times, give yourself permission to spend 1-3 minutes to focus just on your body’s signals.
Body Scan:
Trauma is unfortunately common. The war in Ukraine is an unthinkable level of human suffering that will cause long-standing impact. Understanding how trauma changes brain physiology.
ПТСР - это состояние постоянного стресса, возникающее у людей, которые стали свидетелями драматических событий - таких как пытки, жестокое обращение, война - события, которые, очевидно, представляют угрозу для жизни, и как результат мозг и нервная система имеют проблемы с управлением триггерами: воспоминания о событиях могут вернуться внезапно и без предупреждения.
Psychologists and Mental health workers are in the process of organizing more coordinated efforts in offering free psychological services to refugees. Links will be updated as the information becomes available.