Donations for Ukraine


Nova Ukraine has an established and proven network of partners on the ground in Ukraine we trust. We are ready to face this extraordinary challenge together. With your help, we will provide humanitarian aid to ordinary people and families with children affected by war in Ukraine. Money from donations is allocated daily to frontline volunteers helping provide emergency resources to both refugees and citizens who have remained in the war zone in Ukraine.

Cash for Refugees

This effort was created by Seymon and Natasha Dukach. Currently a small group of 7 volunteers is currently in Siret, Romania, working at the border with Ukraine. Every day this i

are distributed around $20,000 to over 220 families.

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) - Donate to Humanitarian Effort. Since 1940, UCCA has enabled the Ukrainian-American community to generate the political capital and momentum needed to aid the people of Ukraine.

True Russia

Борис Акунин, Сергей Гуриев и Михаил Барышников придумали крутейшую благотворительную инициативу Настоящая Россия — горячо рекомендую и присоединяюсь. Идея проекта в том, чтобы объединить людей русской культуры, которые выступают против войны, и всем вместе помочь украинским беженцам. Настоящая Россия — это гуманитарный проект, наша задача собрать средства для помощи беженцам. Все собранные средства будут отправлены в The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), который объединяет фонды, помогающие украинским беженцам.

USA Red Cross

UNICEF for Ukraine

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment . UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to services that protect all children. Conflict in Ukraine poses an immediate threat to children. UNICEF is working to scale up life-saving support for children and their families.

Based in Canada

Humanitarian Coalition

Humanitarian Coalition brings leading Canadian aid organizations together in a united effort to raise funds, partner with the government, and engage the participation of media, businesses and individual Canadians.

Red Cross for Ukraine

Red Cross donations for Ukraine across the word. Each country has its own department of RedCross coordinating efforts locally.

Canadian Red Cross

UNICEF for Ukraine

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment . UNICEF works with partners around the world to promote policies and expand access to services that protect all children. Conflict in Ukraine poses an immediate threat to children. UNICEF is working to scale up life-saving support for children and their families.

Canadian Ukraine Foundation

Organization historically focused on coordinating and delivering assistance projects generated by Canadians to Ukraine. Currently one of the main coordinators of donation efforts from Canadians

Sunflower of Peace - Donate to Tactical medicine

Sunflower of Peace has officially started a fundraiser to prepare first aid medical tactical backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines. In 2014-2016 those backpacks helped paramedics and doctors on the front lines save hundreds and hundreds of lives.

Based in Romania

World Vision Romania

Expert Forum

Salvaţi Copiii România